How I Put The Enneagram To Work On My Team


How I use the ENNEAGRAM in BUSINESS mentorship

As a Business Mentor, I get the privilege of mentoring my coaches to build big businesses from home. Part of my job as a mentor is understanding not only how I am motivated to hit my goals, but also how is each one of my coaches motivated to hit their goals. I also really want to understand the personalities of each and every one of my coaches so I can help them to reach their goals the best of my ability. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to take the Enneagram Test! Once you take this test, you will find out what number you are. There are 9 different personality types and each has it’s own name. Personally, I am an Enneagram 3!

What is the most interesting part about it is that it identifies the following for each of the 9 personality types:

  • Deepest Fears

  • Core Motivation

  • Key Personality Traits

  • Core Values

  • Healthy & Unhealthy States

  • Growth Tips

  • Famous People Of Each Type

Once I know what Enneagram type my coaches are, I can tailor how I mentor them based on what they are motivated by, what they are afraid of, key personality traits and their core values. I can then give them tips for growth and what to do when they are in an unhealthy state to get back to normal.

Do you know your enneagram? Do you use it in business as well?


Ashley Cerbone