Holly Hillyer





How My Virtual Fit Club Works

As new moms it can be so hard to find the time to focus on yourself again. My Mom Strong Community makes it much easier with 

  • 30 minute at home workouts

  • clean eating meal plans (adaptable for breast feeding)

  • superfoods shake

  • support of other new moms

My groups are full of women all figuring out how to balance work, family, and somehow take care of themselves in the mix! We check in with one another daily, share recipes, encourage one another through our slip ups, and celebrate our victories together! The group is run through a private app so only you and the other women in the group will see your conversations. 


Your Custom Wellness Plan

Prior to joining my Mom Strong Community we will talk in depth about your health and fitness goals and find the FITNESS program that fits your goals as well as your lifestyle. The programs can range from dance to cardio to weight lifting and all have individualized meal plans to make sure you see the best results. 

We have two NUTRITION options for you to choose from. One is macro based and the other is intuitive eating. I use the macro based plan as it allows me to easily adjust my calories for pregnancy and breastfeeding. We will also chat about which one is correct for you and your family.



Shakeology has truly been my secret weapon in losing the pregnancy weight while keeping my milk supply. Since Sam was born he has been EBF and I have donated close to 5000oz to other babies in need!  

When you join my group Shakeology will be an integral part of the meal plan. Your breakfast, lunch, OR snack each day will be Shakeology. It was approved by both my doctor and midwife to drink while pregnant and breastfeeding and is made from whole foods with no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, additives, or GMO ingredients. 

It is an incredible way to get your vitamins in, increase your hydration, and help curb your cravings. I drink the vegan formula while breastfeeding since it has no dairy in it and I know dairy can often be hard on little ones bellies. 


What are my clients saying?!

“So fun doing this with you all!!! I lost 5 pounds and saw 129 on the scale again which is so close to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm in the Love your body group and doing the H&C 60 day challenge to get all my muscle back now 💪❤️

Thanks everyone for holding me accountable!!!”

- elizabeth craig

“Wow. It is so great to see how well everyone has done. It has really helped me stay on track to watch how hard everyone was working. I was able to lose 5lbs and 7 inches. I am so happy as I had to modify all my workouts and didn't use any weights for 21day fix. I am really looking forward to continuing this journey. I am trying to decide what program to do next :-)”

- josephine stewart

“So many things! I'm back in all my pre-baby clothes!!! All my skinny jeans fit and even my wedding rings are loose!!! I'm down the 8 lbs and all I want to do now is continue to tone and build muscle. I'm ready for the next challenge!!!”

- jannette leiva


Behind the scenes of my private app

Want a behind the scenes look at everything you get access to?! Check the video out below!


The Community

The accountability group is a place where we all check in with one another daily, provide daily support, share recipes, and help hold one another accountable. It is an incredible community of women who are all facing many of the same struggles. This is truly where the magic happens and what separates my program from an at home DVD.  


More Client Results

“I'm down 10 lbs and under my pre-pregnancy weight! Thank you Holly and everyone for your motivation! My biggest win is my husband has jumped on board with me, that is priceless!”

- ellen talbot

“10 weeks of t25 and I lost 10lbs, 14inches and 2 pant sizes 😱! I never thought I would have been able to stick with a program much less begin to have abs 😱 these challenge groups kept me motivated and accountable and without it I would probably still be eating crap and laying on the couch. So thank you to all you ladies who kept showing up and encouraging me when I didn't want to press play! ❤️”

- sara england